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Vol 2 Issue 3

Technology for Medical Teachers


The statistic shows that more data has been created in the past two years than the previous 5000 years of human history. In the coming five years, it is expected that over 50 billion smart devices will be connected to share and analyse input. But how do all these change our teaching practice?


We are now facing Generation Z students that are described as digital natives, globally aware, speed demons, micro miners and collaborative partners. It signals that educators should revise our teaching approach over the usual wordy power point slides and straight one-man lectures. Technology probably sounds a bit back-breaking for Baby Boomers and Generation X educators, but in this issue, we aimed to share with you real experiences on how our own faculty members create joy and interaction in teaching using technology, evaluation on technology use in undergraduate students and a free online course for anyone who would like to upgrade teaching skills. 


Sit back, relax and enjoy Technology for Medical Teachers 😊

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