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House Officer Shadowing

Vol 3, Issue 4

Pre house-officership Training

SHOTS: Boot Camp for House Officers


Nurhanis Syazni Roslan

Reminiscing the first week as house officers will elicit a smile to many of us.


‘Clueless’ or ‘lost’ are probably the adjectives to illustrate the experience. Being a universal struggle, many medical schools now join the reform to smoothen the transition from medical students to interns.

As our final year students embark the new semester, there’s a new term on the block - SHOTS. Meaning ‘Shadow House Officer Training Schedule’, it is a house officer shadowing initiative to expose final year students to workplace skills and roles of house officers. What makes it different is that it requires students not just to do blood-taking and night shifts, but to learn management, proper documentation, patient continuation and teamwork.

In this issue, we share the essence of SHOTS in small bites. We also share Dr Ariff Arithra’s reflections on our students’ determination in winning the Overall Champion title in the Medical Intervarsity Games, poems, a diary on volunteerism with children and a reflection on electives in Taipei and Oxford. You will also find an outstanding VLOG link made by our students on their CFCS journey.

To our dearest SHOTS, keep your spirits high and make the best of out this experience. PPSP is committed not just to prepare you to pass the final professional exams, but also to be competent house officers.

We won’t just let our graduates jump into houseofficership and wish you ‘Good Luck’ because as the saying goes, ‘Good Luck is a residue of good preparation’.

Sit back, relax and happy reading.


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