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Educator's Avenue or EA is brought together by a team of three enthusiastic medical educationists from Department of Medical Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Realizing that our medical teachers have many commitments to patient care, research and administrative works, we felt there is a need to provide a quick reading for them to empower our teaching to undergraduate and postgraduate students.


EA came about in December 2016 and now is published online every three months. In each issue, we highlight a contemporary theme such as The Happiness Index, The Assessment Issue and many more.


We welcome any entries from other medical teachers or educators. It could be a reflection of your teaching, a summarized educational research or stories. 



Educator's Avenue

2016 till present



Editorial Team Chief Editor Nurhanis Syazni Roslan


Second Chief Editor

Jamilah al-Muhammady  Mohammad


Layout and Graphics

Ahmad Fuad Abdul  Rahim

Publisher Department of Medical  Education School of Medical  Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia 16150 Kubang Kerian

Published 3 monthly

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